Wednesday, 13 October 2010


Hallowe'en is my favourite time of year!
Dressing up, free sweets, parties, costume prizes, gigs, fake blood, makeup, decorations, DID I MENTION FREE SWEETS!?!???!?1//!???1/1!/?!!!?/?

So yeah it's pret-ty darn awesome.

Life is also good but there's bad points aswell. Some let downs, some awesome times, some achievements, lots of birthdays coming up and a really lovely bassist in my life at the moment :)

I don't watch TV anymore, there's something weird... :S

Can't think of anything else to saaayy.....
peace out
keiramadeira xxx

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Rules, midnight beasts, and FAIL blog.

Motherdear is becoming so annoying with all these new crappy rules. Like bedtimes. And no meat in the house... WTF?? SO FUCKING AWKWARDDDDDDDD.

The Midnight Beast.
Bloody brilliant.
(Mainly because they piss off the bitch above ^^^^ )

Now addicted to fail blog, fail book, there I fixed it, engrish funny, lolcats, ETCCCCC.

Wow, my life is so fucking average. Even below average. (N)

Ummm... yeah :)

peace out
keiramadeira xxx