Tuesday 28 September 2010

Exhaustion, and good times!!

SOOO much effort is required to get up in the mornings, and I always find myself drifting off to sleep during the day! College is going well, several A's on my homework and assignments, so that's all good.
Boyfriend's alright I guess... Nah, jk, he's a right bastard ;D... Nah, jk, he's lovely :)
I have become increasingly unhealthy since the start of college, and I refuse to eat less than one packet of crisps a day. I'm an addict. Yussss.
New music keeps attacking me!! Atm I'm on Foals, but also the Costellos (Local Band) are awesomeeee! Hmmm.... Today Paolo Nutini is in my head though... D:
Hmmm we had to get rid of our greyhound because she shat in the lounge :(
Chickens are getting BIG AND FATTTT, and Arthur is pretty rounded himself!

Rightio then... Not much else to say other than I'M SO EFFIN TIRED :'(

peace out
keiramadeira xxx

Friday 17 September 2010

What a fucking twat.

Just read through my entire blog again. I think it's very very possible that I have completely changed... Like, in the last week I am a different person. Ffs, I was so fucking childish sometimes.
So yeah. New college, new times, new friends, new me. Ofc.
This is the dawning of the age of maturity I guess. Responsibilty, and being sensible. (lololol)
Ignore EVERYYYYTHING I have ever said on here, I'm starting anew, and I'm no longer a stupid child. KAY??!!?!?/1/?!?/1?!???!/1/??!?

peace out
keiramadeira xxx

Wednesday 8 September 2010

ZOMG I srsly LOVES college!

AHHHH first week at college! Already made tonnes of new friends, got my lessons sorted, and I know my way around really well! I love it! SO MUCH FREEDOOOOOMMMM!

Only thing that would make it better is if I had a certain somebody with meeee :'(

What else to sayyyy...

New addition to my growing collection of animalss
LUNA <333
My new ex-racer Greyhound. She's b-e-a-utiful :')

Life's good. Life's very happy. Missing an awful lot of people thooo... (N)

Soon I'll se you <333

peace out,
keiramadeira xxx