Monday 30 August 2010

Fingers Crossed (yn)

So there's a guy. And there's meeee...
And I can talk about it on here because nobody knows who I'm on about HAHAHAHAA
And he's just right, yano? He's cool :)
I can see it.

Peace out
keiramadeira xxx

Saturday 28 August 2010

I'm Bored So Dan Told Me To RANT


I'll just repeat one.

Rant five:
This applies to several people, mostly family.
One of whom (a really lovely, talented, gorgeous friend of mine) I really really like, who I barely ever see... :/

Rant six:

peace fucking OUT
keiramadeira xxx

Friday 27 August 2010

Best Gigaroo in the World

Last night I went to a tip-top, smashing, and splendid gig at Swindon's 12 Bar (lush venue, I want my next Birthday there :D). All the bands playing were awesome!!
Anaheim, local Swindon band were a great opening act.
i AM BODHi, a band who I'm friends with, were obviously super totally the best :D. And they gave a free demo to everyone with a cheesey grin :P
Joe Public were good too, the vocalist's hair was a giant poofy afro I just wanted to squeeze :L

One quite funny, yet incredibly annoying, thing that happened was I was wearing the exact same outfit as L from i AM BODHi... stripy top, skinny jeans, and 'new goth' boots... So I hid in my cardigan until it got too hot to bear.

One of my best friends was ill... Not too good :/

But L made sure I didn't get mugged (you know.. those Swindon streets... D:!) when I went outside to meet my motherdear in the car. i AM BODHi are seriously lovely guys. Check them out on facebook :)

So yeah, was an awesome night :)

peace out,
keiramadeira xxx

Monday 23 August 2010


My two weeks of no laptop are up!!

I've spent the time childminding an annoying five year old with a princess complex, watching multiple episodes of CSI in each day, and reading five or so books.

Apart from that my live is still BORIIIINGGGG.

GCSE results tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

Peace out,
keiramadeira xxx

Thursday 12 August 2010

The Library of Salvation

Okay. So I'm not grounded, I'm just banned from the laptop. GREAT. So I won't be blogging much.
Thanks to the wonder of books meeting the wonder of technology I am sat in the library on my blogaroo. Weheeyyy!!!!11!!1!!!1!!
Sir Arthur and the Chicken babies are getting rather big. Especially Nymphadora, she's beastlyyyy.
Aaaaand that's about it, my life is average right now... Boring and average.

peace out,
keirmadeira xxx

Sunday 8 August 2010

My Adventures In Londonland

Yesterday was actually NOT BORING!!!1!1!!1!!!11!!!!!!!!1!!!1111!!!!!!!!
I took a trip to London with my dear friend Rachel ( to go to Madame Tussaud's and to visit Baker Street (home of Sherlock Holmes :D). It was soooo much fun, I can't wait to do something like that again ^.^
In MT we saw all the celebs' waxworks, and went throught the 'Scream' section where live actors basically just jump out at you and freak you out... Yes I screamed :L

Afterwards we pictured by the Sherlock statue, then ate out lunch in Regent's Park where Barry the Squirrel begged for our food ¬¬

And then visited the Sherlock Shop next to the Sherlock Holmes Museum where the Sales Assistants actually have to dress up all day as Victorian women :')

And afterwards Rachel came back to mine to meet the chicken babies and Sir Arthur, who I've decided is my favourite living creature in the whole world :D
So, there's one absolutely UNBORING day I will remember!!
Peace out,
keiramadeira xxx

Friday 6 August 2010

Sir Arthur and My Mission of Employment

I'm still stinging about the loss of my beautiful book, but that has been lessened by the new arrival of Sir Arthur Georgeson our new baby rabbit!!1!1!!!!1!!1!1!1!!!!!
We've only had him for one night, yet we love him already. He's still very very very timid, but we hope that with daily handling he'll become a friendly family bunny.

In other news, the places to which I gave my CVs have STILL not replied to me... I'm beginning to wonder if this mission is futile...

peace out
keiramadeira xxx

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Precious Belongings

The true value of a beloved object only comes to light once that object is lost, stolen, broken, or thrown away. Many items from my childhood have disappeared from my life, as well as items that were shiny and new. However the feeling of loss and/or separation from them has never been as great as these past few days when I discovered that my treasured book 'The Twelve Dancing Princesses' by Errol Le Cain (NOT the shitty Barbie crap.) had gone missing from the shelf in the toy-cupboard.

At first I suspected my younger sister of having read it and left it on her shelf in her room. NOOOO. It wasn't there. Then I checked my room. NO NOT THERE. And after pulling apart the toy-cupboard to search in all the nooks and crannies, it was nowhere to be found.

I'm actually devastated.

So I looked up the book on Amazon and Ebay... None on Ebay, but on Amazon I discovered the book was priced at almost £60. FUUUUUUUUUUUU. Wondering why it was SO bloody expensive for a 15 page story book, I did a google search of the author.

Turns out Errol Le Cain is dead, and on his death the price of all his works went up drastically. One of his unpublished books is worth almost £7000. While I could easily find stupid people on Ebay selling a bunch of his books together for a fiver, (made me happy) I could find some rather clever people selling them for more extortionate prices.

All-in-all, I've had a shitty day.

Peace out,
keiramadeira xxx

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Shopping?? YEAH BABY!!

Well! What. A. DAY!

With college coming up in just a few short weeks, I realised I needed a whole load of new clothes. So my motherdear gave me a generous £50 to spend on new clothes.
And THANK GOD for summer sales :').

My beautiful purchases:

New Look
- Blue denim skinny jeans
- IDOL rocker top

- Black and pink stripy t-shirt

- Blue bra
- Owl Jumper <3 <3 <3

Dorothy Perkins
- Triple ring set with roses
- Triple Earring set; roses, pearls, and red studs.

So I'm a VERY happy bunny ^.^

peace out,
keiramadeira xxx

Monday 2 August 2010

What on earth!?

Okay so I got the script for that Audition...

Yeah NOWAYNOWAYNOWAY am I doing this film.

SO much swearing, and I really DID NOT LIKE the lesbian bit D:

So yahh... I'm not going anymore.


Peace out,
keiramadeira xxx

Information Alert

Now here's a BLOODY amazing film.
I literally cannot describe in words how fantastic it truly was!! The concept, the storyline, the CGI, acting, music, just everything about this film was brilliant!! PLEASE go and see it, it's SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOO good!!

So, tomorrow morning I'm going to an Anti-Smoking campaign meeting because my theatre group might be involved in an advert/video thingieee... Should be cool :)

Thursdaaay I have an AUDITION.
For a MOVIE.
For the LEAD ROLE.

The only bad thing is that I have to kiss a girl... Hmmm.. D:

But should be good fun, good publicity, and good pay ;D

Peace out