Thursday 29 July 2010

Feel Sick. AGAIN.

Right, so on Monday night, me and a bunch of friends went to this club thingie for some dubstep rave music or whatever. Right, then afterwards we went to a campout and had a bit to drink, yeah, and I was like EUUURRGH. I just chundered everywhaa outside the tent. EWWIE!!!1!1!1!! So yeah, when I got home I still felt sickie so I just wanted to go to bed but motherdear wouldn't let meeee. She's mean. But the next day I was fine, thank god!

Buuuuuuut today, three days later I just had some tortilla chips and hummus and some jus de pommes, and I feel sick. AGAIN. Why? Why!??//!?/ Why me? FS!


Yeah so matey boy one of my bests came over today to meet my ickle babby chickens. They are so sweet. Well. Most of them. Yeeahh... There's one who just sits on your lap and falls asleep (BLESSSSS) and there's another who will literally just PECK at your HAND until you DIE.


So now I'm bored.

keiramadeira xxx

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