Thursday 29 July 2010

I need freedom to cease my boredom.

FML. FFS. I need to be 18 so I'm, like, allowed to go places without 10 homing devices strapped to my face, 3 mobile phones which I must text on every 30 seconds and a week's supply of everything stuffed into my pockets. ALLOW CARING ABOUT ME.


I was s'poseda be going to Sittingbourne (God only knows where that is!!1!) and my motherdear actually agreed to it, okay? Then today she was like NO BITCH!!1!1!!!1! YOU ACTUALLY CAN'T ACTUALLY LEAVE THE ACTUAL HOUSE!!11!!!1!!!!!!11!

Well not quite, but that's how I feel. So yahhh. I could literally chunder in her face. Now I've let my friends down and the ticket is wasted and I'm in a FOUL mood. (Not fowl, like chickens or something, although if I spend any more time with them I may become one.)

Third post today!!1! WIN.

Some other interesting factually factual facts about me'sen.

-I love watching new films.

-I have so many crushes on so many actors (why are they all so irreressisresistably //??spellingses??// handsome, smart, hot, or just downright lovely?/? LIST THEM LIST THEM: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Dempsey, Eric Dane, David Tennant, Jude Law, Ewan McGregor, Benedict Cumberbatch (Ikr, effing weird name... ), Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Rupert Grint, John Cusack, well the list could go on and on tbh.

-I'm passionate about drawing (I'm on Elfwood with my drawings of the Greek Gods)

-I'm passionate about Greek Mythology!!1! FO SHO <333 -I go to the library. A lawt. -I bike ride. Mebbe this is enough for one day, my laptop is soooo effing tired. Not enough energy because it's stopped eating since that GODDAMN iPAD ADVERT. "iPad is thin, iPad is beautiful" EFF OFF!! There's more to life than stickthinness and beauty you dumb media people. OFFENSIVE.

Peace out,
keiramadeira xxx