Thursday 29 July 2010

Wow that first post was boring.

So. Second day of my awesomely boring new blog.....

I'll tell you a little bit more about myself. Right. Hmm... Home life as a starter? Yeah.

The Boring Home Life Of Keira Madeira:
-I live in a tiny boring house with my Mother and Sister.
-We have six chickens and one dog, and we're getting rabbits soon.
-We have a trampoline (Y).
-There's a russian doll sat on the shelf in my lounge.
-That was a totally boring fact.
-Umm... I watch TV sometimes.


Okay.. I'd do some about my school life, but guess what!?
SCHOOL'S OVER!!1! Yesss WIN!!1!1!1!

Some personal info maybe?

Hmm... I read a lot. I'm a big reader. Currently I'm on the last book of a series by Trudi Canavan (awesomeeee). Priestess of the White, Last of the Wilds, Voice of the Gods. Good books I prom. I go to drama every thursday, goodtimes. I'm a member of Swindon Youth Forum, which btw I went to yesterday- was goodtimes, got my crew member t-shirt which is effing MASSIVE. Saw my good buds there, LOVE them <333.

More books I reccommend /??spelling??/

-The Hunger Games
-Wicked Lovely
-A Great and Terrible Beauty
-The Picture of Dorian Grey
-Eragon (Don't watch the effing film, please..)
-The Knife of Never Letting Go (and the subsequent series.)
-The Vesuvius Club
-Wolf Brother (And the rest of them too.)

There was another book I loved where the character played a kind of card game which sent them into a kinda parararalllelelel /??spell??/ world which was epic and I loved it. I'll remember the name of it one day, I'm sure.

So anyway, people are coming round today to meet my chickens. So yahh.

Peace out, don't get too bored. (Y)

AHAHAHAAA!!1!1!!!!111!!! The 7 year old by next door just said he shaved his ankle. Love it.


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